The Fort bravo Cinema studios: an Old west movie set in the desert

Exclusive partner of the Ultime Western adventures, the Fort Bravo studios are located near Tabernas (Andalusia – Spain) about 30 mn drive rom Almeria City and airport. It stays at the gate of the Tabernas Desert, the only desert in western Europe.

Fort Bravo is the last operative western movie set in Europe. It offers a mexican pueblo set and a scale 1 old west american city. In the area, a large umber of mythical films have been shot from the early 60’s till today. Sergio Leone‘s fistfull of dollars trilogy with Clint Eastwood, the masterpiece « once upon a time in the west » and « the good, the bad, the ulgly (1966).

In the 70’s, nearly 30 western town sets where located in the area to supply film productions coming from around the globe. Today, Fort Bravo – Texas Hollywood remains the last, unique and most impressive.

Thanks to the rebirth of the western genre, several productions and the exclusive partnership with the epic immersive adventure of the Ultime western concept, the studio is fully operative, including several major productions over the last few years. You can see the results in several feature films such as Blueberry, DrWho TV show, The Sister Brothers, Penny Dreadull TV show,…

One of the oldest part of the set, is the Arch, built in 1963 for « Once upon a time in the west », now fixed. Its double, in Monument Valley, USA is no longer existing. This piece was built by Sergio Leone’s team and used in the begenning sequence of this masterpiece.